ICU ventilator

Description: Tedamed is the world leading ICU ventilator manufacuture and supplier,for normal ventilator , mechanical ventilator

Output gas flow

more than 40L/min

Output gas filtration accuracy


Output air pressure

0.3-0.4Mpa, adjustable





ICU ventilator

For both ICU and normal therapy using

Usually it contains the pump , which supplying external energy to push all gases into lungs and patient able to receive passive exhalation(CO2 elimination )

Changeable parameters of ventilator

Vt   = Tidal Volume

FIO2= Traction of inspired oxygen

RR=Respiratory Rate

I:E=inspiratory to Expiratory ratio

EEP=End Expiratory pressure

PIP=Peak Inspiratory Pressure

Inspiratory Flow Rate

Operating modes

VCV(Volume control ventilation )

PCV(Assisted contolled pressure control ventilation )

PSV(Assisted/Controlled pressure support Ventilation)(PSV)



MMV (Mandatory Minute Ventilation)

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure )

Backup apnea ventilation

Tedamed ICU Ventilator 3 types available

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