Medical products

pregnancy test cassette

easy at home pregnancy test

pregnancy test principle This strain is made of human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) antibody and anti-mouse IgG, respectively, solid-phase nitrocellulose membrane and colloidal gold-labeled anti-HCG monoclonal antibody and other reagents are adhered in sequence, using immunochromatographic double antibody sandwich method The principle.During the test, the urine sample is dropped onto the sample loading point of the …

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tubalar bandage

types of medical bandage-What a professional medical marketer must know

As medical bandages are routine items in hospital treatment, it is very important for a medical seller to distinguish their types.The type of medical bandage is mainly related to its function. Because of its function, we then select its material and production method, and finally apply it to treatment. 1.The function medical bandage Bandage as …

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